Monday, June 29, 2009

Today is another day that I have to go to work... Don't get me wrong I LOVE MY JOB!!! Don't tell anyone BUT I would do it for free.. It is a great feel good job!! I feel good about myself every day I do it!! BUT during the summer it is hard, Kaitlyn has a cheer camp she has to go to, if you were a varsity cheerleader you help run a summer cheer camp for the middle school kids who want to go to cheer camp. Great idea BUT that means I don't have a babysitter.. I can go in late at 10 am and be done by 12 if I try hard but it is hard to keep kids in the van for so long, now don't get all worried and call the police I deliever meals so I am driving around that time and if I go into any apartment buildings they come with me but most of the time I am quick in and quick out of houses so they can sit in the van....
Plus I like that work time it is my peaceful time which won;t be very peaceful if I can yelling at kids to stop and to behave all day...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

1st I will say I never understand why I was always having to pay for school lunch, the rule is you can get hot lunch 2 days a week (sometimes I would let 3 if the kids really liked the lunch) and the rest you have to bring lunch, school lunch is expensive and I just can't afford more then that... Well today I said to the triplets clean our your backpacks, I got lazy during the school year and let them take care of making sure I get papers I need and letting them take care of cleaning out their own backpacks (they are 10 almost 11 and were in the 5th grade), well after that I went to check and Zacharys was still heavy so I told him again to clean out his backpack, again I checked when he said he was done and it was still heavy so I look and I see a tupperware container which pasta in it pasta that I cooked a month ago so again I say clean out your backpack and wash that container because man it smelled and I thought that would be a good lesson, I sat with him as he cleaned out his backpack and there were more then 10 moldy sandwiches in the main pocket I sat with him when he cleaned it out and then when the big pocket was done it was still heavy there was another pocket FULL of moldy bagels and fruit.. We now have 1/2 a trash bag full of moldy smelly stuff... GROSS!!!!!!!
they are 10 (almost 11) Somedays I just wonder when will life get easier and somedays I just want to scream!!!

Today is a day I want to scream BUT I didn't I kept my cool and had him clean out his packpack and wash the smelly containers.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tomorrow the the last day of school... Hard to believe BUT another whole school year has gone by and summer vacation starts officially tomorrow at 10:30 for Kaitlyn and at 12:45 for the triplets..

I really hope that the weather clears up and we experience some summer type weather!! If not it will feel like a long summer.. The pool has been open and ready since April and the kids did swim a couple time BUT really we need some warm summer days so we get some good pool days in!!

As for plans for the summer not too much going on, soccer camp, cheer camp, weekend soccer tournaments and summer soccer for Kaitlyn and summer school for Zachary just to catch him up and it is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 am to 9 am so no real big deal.... and 1 week in August in PA.

I am working since I just took 2 weeks off for the cousins visit I will have to work most of the summer but I get home by 12:30 so we should still be able to have some fun afternoons...

Thats it for now,

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Okay I have been feeling really negative lately and that really isn't me so I thought I want to post a positive...
I have an awesome sister I have to say I have a 7 passenger van and my sister has an 8 passenger suv, well I have 3 nephews and a niece coming up to stay with me and at 1st I thought we would have to drive 2 cars where ever we went BUT me and my sister trade while they are here so now I can fit all 7 kids in 1 vehicle now isn't that awesome!!! I think it is!!!!!!!

Today was a busy day 1st I worked for the orthodontist (I have worked in that office since 1989) just when she works on saturday nowadays since it is far away but still them to Rebeccas softball game and now off to a fisher cats game..
Should be fun there will be fireworks after too..
BUSY day BUT filled and fun too!!

Well off to the game.