Thursday, June 25, 2009

1st I will say I never understand why I was always having to pay for school lunch, the rule is you can get hot lunch 2 days a week (sometimes I would let 3 if the kids really liked the lunch) and the rest you have to bring lunch, school lunch is expensive and I just can't afford more then that... Well today I said to the triplets clean our your backpacks, I got lazy during the school year and let them take care of making sure I get papers I need and letting them take care of cleaning out their own backpacks (they are 10 almost 11 and were in the 5th grade), well after that I went to check and Zacharys was still heavy so I told him again to clean out his backpack, again I checked when he said he was done and it was still heavy so I look and I see a tupperware container which pasta in it pasta that I cooked a month ago so again I say clean out your backpack and wash that container because man it smelled and I thought that would be a good lesson, I sat with him as he cleaned out his backpack and there were more then 10 moldy sandwiches in the main pocket I sat with him when he cleaned it out and then when the big pocket was done it was still heavy there was another pocket FULL of moldy bagels and fruit.. We now have 1/2 a trash bag full of moldy smelly stuff... GROSS!!!!!!!
they are 10 (almost 11) Somedays I just wonder when will life get easier and somedays I just want to scream!!!

Today is a day I want to scream BUT I didn't I kept my cool and had him clean out his packpack and wash the smelly containers.....


  1. hmmm... were there mustard sandwiches?? Maybe he was saving them for an emergency :) At least they were in the backpack and not under his pillow :)

  2. he might have been saving them I mean think about it, he might get hungry in the middle of the night and if she saved all the sandwiches in his backpack then he could just come downstairs and get a sandwich and not wake anyone up... Good plan!!
